Stoke Bishop
Calendar Office Celebration Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Lunches Year 2 Year 1 Year 3 Reception Stoke Bishop

St Mary’s Church

“ Wherever the river flows, life will flourish” – Ezekiel 47:9

Our relationship with St Mary’s Church is connected through our shared values, vision and community. The church plays a vital role in supporting the children, staff and families throughout their time at Stoke Bishop. As a team, they visit the school frequently to lead collective worship, support with events and create fun and interactive spaces for all children to develop their own spiritual awareness.

Meet the Team

Spirituality at Stoke Bishop

Self – I am unique and am proud of my identity

Others – I can build good relationships with other people

Beauty – I can see beauty in the world around me

Beyond – I can think about the meaning of life beyond that which I can see and touch

Each year St Mary’s Church set up a Prayer Space at school. This is an opportunity for pupils to take some time to pause and ponder life’s BIG QUESTIONS.

As a school, we value the opportunity to visit St Mary’s Church for key events in the Christian calendar such as Christmas and Easter. In addition to this, Jema and Rachel organise a variety of events where all children have the opportunity to explore different aspects of Christianity such as becoming ‘Church Detectives’ and taking part in an Easter trail.

We have three dedicated Foundation Governors from St Mary’s who support the school in living out our Christian values and also assist in the preparation for the Church School inspection process. They also have an important role on the Governing Body in the strategic development of the school as a whole.

Please click on the following link to learn more about St Mary’s Church.

http://St Mary’s Stoke Bishop : Stoke Bishop C.E. Primary School (