At Stoke Bishop Church of England Primary School, we aim to be a fully inclusive school and provide and appropriate and high quality education for all children, including those identified as having ‘special educational needs or disabilities’. We emphasise the importance of quality first teaching for all pupils but recognise that some pupils may require additional support to enable them to access the curriculum and make progress. Many members of staff have experience of teaching children with a range of special educational needs and we regularly review staff expertise and access appropriate whole school training. We have good links with a range of outside specialist agencies, including The Educational Psychology Service, The Autism Outreach Team, Speech and Language Therapists and Physiotherapists. We recognise and value their expertise, assessment and support.
Depending on the nature and level of need, a child may access a variety of interventions and support. At Stoke Bishop Church of England Primary School, we define the type of interventions used to help children with their learning in terms of a graduated response.
Information on how to support your Child’s needs – Please click on the link below or scan the QR code:
SEND & Inclusion Policy
SEND Information report
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
Bristol Local Area SEND Written Statement of Action (March 2020)
Bristol Local Area SEND Letter from OFSTED
SEND Code of Practice 0-25 (2014)
The new SEND Code of practice came into effect in September 2014. The government have provided a guide for parents and carers as well as publishing a letter from Edward Timpson (The Minister for Children and Families) explaining the new reforms.
Bristol Local Authority now has a duty to provide what is called a local offer which provides a great deal of information about the support available for children with SEND in Bristol. Stoke Bishop Primary School’s SEN policy reflects the SEND requirements of the new code of practice.