Stoke Bishop
Calendar Office Celebration Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Lunches Year 2 Year 1 Year 3 Reception Stoke Bishop

Our Vision and Values

School Values

We aim to ensure the school values are in evidence on a daily basis, providing a guide for all the children and adults in school, by which to approach their lives. That means they are taught implicitly, through what and how we teach, as well as explicitly in the curriculum:


We are enthusiastic and eager to learn and do amazing things, individually and together.


We show everyone love and respect regardless.


We have strong morals that guide us to do the right thing, even when no one is watching


We have the self-belief to embrace new challenges and to stand up for what is right.

Believing it’s Possible

Our vision is about looking to the world as it is and what we want it to be. It is for all the adults and children in our School Community


We want you to be confident in yourselves. To have the courage to learn from new experiences and the commitment to apply that new learning wherever you can.

We want you to be able to communicate and work confidently on your own, with other children and adults in school.

We want you to know that you are loved and cared for.


    You should all feel the value that school gives to your contribution; that it respects, recognises and relies on your passion to provide as many meaningful, valuable and successful learning opportunities as possible.

You have to have the courage to see that anything is possible for any child. We just have to work out the route, to set challenging goals, to enable the children to strive for meaningful success and to see their academic attainment as part of achievement on a much wider canvas.


We want you to feel confident that you have the support and opportunity to develop an effective relationship and dialogue with the school and your children about their learning.

This should be based on your trust in the integrity and passion of every adult in school, which allows you to support the progress of your child and every other child at Stoke Bishop Church of England Primary School. 


You will always be confident to test the vision of school through the strategies that are designed to achieve this vision.

By asking questions that challenge and define the direction that we take, you will ensure the experience of every child and adult is one of

‘Believing it’s Possible’.