As a school we participate in a variety of events both on site and off site. We have a girls and boys football team and a netball team, we also enjoy engaging with the events at St Bede’s school which range from cross country to dodgeball. Here are a selection of pictures of us enjoying these events.

At Stoke Bishop C of E primary, we believe that PE is an essential part of the curriculum. By the time, children leave Stoke Bishop we will have provided them with the confidence to continue to partake in physical activity in a variety of ways that is accessible and enjoyable to them. All children will understand how exercising promotes a healthy lifestyle as well as understanding the positive effect exercise has on our physical and mental wellbeing. PE at Stoke Bishop is highly inclusive. All children have the ability to access and take part in PE, and children will be supported and facilitated by all teaching staff to participate with the understanding that every child can make progress and improve their own personal best. We strive to take part in many competitions throughout the year and use our funding to ensure all children are given the opportunity to be as active as possible throughout the school day.
The PE curriculum is taught through Real PE for our indoor sessions and has a team competition focus in our outdoor sessions.
During our Real PE sessions, we have a focus on developing a wider range of skills such as personal, social and cognitive skills. These skills will support the whole child, not just focusing on their physical development, but focusing on problem solving, team work, communication and mental health.
During our outdoor PE sessions we focus on a progression of skills and understanding of competitions and build up to team games lessons in KS2. We have a focus on athletic and games skills, with an increasing level of competitiveness as children progress throughout the school. This will range from multi-sports skills in KS1, to rounders, football, tennis and hockey in KS2. These will be tailored to upcoming tournaments and competitions.
Each year group has 2 PE lessons per week: 1 indoor lesson and 1 outdoor lesson. Additionally, each year group will take part in a Daily Mile around the school grounds striving to complete this at least 3 times a week. Finally, children in Key Stage 2 will have swimming lessons to help them in achieving the national standard of swimming 25 metres unaided.
We are also lucky to have the outside sports agency Future Stars who further support us through small group interventions and targeted team teach sessions specifically around a sport with a different class each term.
Children at Stoke Bishop will be confident to understand how they are able maintain a healthy lifestyle and can explain why physical exercise is essential to their daily lives. They will have a wide understanding of how to play different sports and team games and will be enthusiastic about taking part in sports and competitions. Children will be assessed against the national curriculum objectives as, Pre-Key stage, Working towards, At Expected and Above, twice a year.