At Stoke Bishop, the purpose of the music curriculum is to allow all children to experience and enjoy music in variety of ways and be able to express themselves through music. Through the teaching of music, children are able to create and perform music as a class, group and individual, building their confidence and teamwork skills. We aim for all children to access opportunities to create, play, perform and enjoy music and for children who excel in music to be able to further expand their experiences. We also use music for enjoyment and engagement as we meet as a school community. We want children and adults at Stoke Bishop to see music as an important part of our school life. Music celebrates our differences and unites us, connects us with our world, each other and ourselves.
The scheme of work for music is the Bristol Primary Curriculum that focuses on the 5 core skills: playing and performing, notation, composition, listening, and the history of music. Across each year group, the 7 inter-related dimensions (structure, pitch, timbre, duration, tempo, dynamics and texture) of music are at the heart of what is taught and make up the concepts for the subject. Within the curriculum, pupils have wide and varied musical experiences to develop their practical skills as well as equipping them with the language to respond, evaluate and appreciate all music they hear. Each year group/hub has the opportunity to learn a different tuned instrument to give all children a chance and the experience of learning a variety of instruments. There are also extra-curricular activities and private music lessons available to widen children’s experiences in music.
Instruments Taught in Each Year:
Year Group | Tuned Instrument |
Year 1 and 2 | Glockenspiels |
Year 3 | Recorders |
Year 4 | Doods and Toots |
Year 5 and 6 | Ukuleles and Samba drumming |
Extra-curricular Activities/Lessons:
Activity | When | Where | Free/Paid |
KS1 Choir | Tuesdays, 12.30-13.00 | 1PM | Free |
KS2 Choir | Tuesdays, 12:00-12:30 | 6L | Free |
Recorders | Wednesdays, 12:00-12:30 (Year 3 and 4) – email if interested. Wednesdays, 12:30-1:00 (Year 2) – currently full. | ICT Suite | Free |
KS2 Ensemble | Fridays 12:30-1:00 (KS2 children who have been learning an instrument for over a year) | 6L | Free |
Rock Steady | Wednesday and Thursday afternoons | Oak Block | Paid |
Piano Lessons | Monday and Tuesday afternoons | Oak Block | Paid |
Violin Lessons | Tuesday afternoons | Oak Block | Paid |
Brass Lessons | Wednesday afternoons | Leadership Room | Paid |
Guitar Lessons | Tuesday afternoons | Room 8 | Paid |
Children at Stoke Bishop have an enjoyment of music and by the end of their time at Stoke Bishop, they will be able to perform (solo and group, singing and instrumental), read basic notation and listen to and appraise music. Through the use of regular singing assemblies and performances, we aim to build an inclusive culture in which all children see themselves as singers and musicians. By the time they reach the end of their Stoke Bishop journey, students will have enjoyed a wide range of musical experiences, including listening to live and recorded music from different genres and world cultures. Children will be assessed against the national curriculum objectives as, Pre-Key stage, Working towards, At Expected and Above, 2 times a year.

Please find our whole school Music Curriculum Overview above.