Pupils have opportunities to undertake guided, shared and independent reading throughout the school. A diverse range of real books and a staged reading scheme are available. We do not use any one published scheme to teach reading, instead we believe that it is important to provide pupils with a selection of reading books and experiences from different genres and subject matter, therefore we operate using ‘book bands’ in line with Oxford reading tree complemented by thematic books. As well as phonics matched books for early readers.
In order to have strong communication between teachers and parents/carers, each child has a reading record book where both the staff and parents can write comments about how the child is progressing with his/her reading. Children visit the library at least once a week with their class, where they have opportunities to select books of interest to them and use non-fiction books for independent research on topics they are studying.
Reading challenges are offered within school and pupils are encouraged to undertake the annual county library reading challenge. World Book Day is celebrated along with a book fair to further promote reading.
We passionately believe that all children will develop a love of reading. Children receive high-quality teaching and learning opportunities which enables them to enjoy learning to read and empowers them to be confident independent readers. By the end of Year 6 children will be fluent readers who possess a well-developed tool kit of reading strategies which include: phonological awareness, decoding and comprehension. Children acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar alongside a knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language. This will include an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage from not only the United Kingdom but also the World.
The whole school community understands that the development of reading is at the heart of our school curriculum. Teaching staff will model a positive attitude towards the teaching and fostering of a love of reading and literature. Teaching Staff will use high quality texts to plan and facilitate English Lessons. Wherever possible reading will be incorporated across the entire school curriculum. All children regularly frequent the school library and are encouraged to use it as a learning resource.
Phonics is taught discreetly in Reception, Year 1 and 2. Reading materials are matched to a child’s phonic knowledge. EYFS and KS1 children are regularly benchmarked to assess a child’s reading / banded level. As required children in KS2 are also regularly assessed on their reading level. Teaching staff will ensure that children are reading at the correct level and that this is consistently monitored to maintain continuity, progression and challenge.
Children in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 read regularly with an adult in school. Through our home school partnership, we have an expectation that parents and carers read with their children regularly at home, there is an understanding that reading attainment and progression is a collaboration between home and school.
To support reading comprehension KS1 and KS2 use age appropriate VIPERS. The children are able to talk about their understanding of the VIPERS teaching and learning sequence.
Termly assessments are conducted to track: attainment, progress, gaps in understanding and any misconceptions.
Our pupils are confident, able, lifelong readers who have a passion for reading. They understand the importance and empowerment of reading for pleasure and academic success. They are literate, confident and ready for the challenges ahead. Parents and carers are actively involved in developing their child’s ability to read, comprehend and interpret what they have read. The importance of reading is understood by all members of staff and as such is interwoven throughout the school and curriculum. Amongst the whole school community there is a passionate belief that reading is the key to unlocking a child’s future success.
Reading – Our System
When children arrive at our school in Reception they are initially given lilac word less books. These are to support the children in book skills such as turning the page and telling the story. They are then given phonic-matched reading books to support early reading, namely decoding the words. Once they have reached a confident level they will move onto the coloured book boxes. These go from pink to white.

We have a full set of phonically decodable books which match our phonic programme. These are accessed by any child on the phonics programme.
Once the children finish white level they move onto the “Rainbow Library” which has 4 levels within it; emerald, hazel, graphite, indigo. These are all real books which have been levelled to ensure an appropriate reading challenge. When the children become free-readers they can access the school’s main library for their reading books.
Throughout their reading journey they can all access the library for books to share with adults and for pleasure.
Monitoring and Progression
The skill of reading is paramount to your child’s development as is fostering a love of reading at home and at school. To ensure this is at the centre of our curriculum and home-school partnership we expect your child to read at least 5 times a week at home.

Hubs offer a reading workshop for parents which offers guidance and strategies to support children’s reading at home.