Our school’s vision is ‘Believing it’s Possible’. This is a commitment to all our pupils that they should have access to a successful, positive school provision. To fulfill this, we aim to ensure that they attend school at all times where possible, giving them the opportunity to ‘flourish’ and to build attitudes that will support them for a lifetime.

At Stoke Bishop we know that:
- Attending school every day will help your child achieve their aspirations, and the aspirations you have for them.
- One missed day could be as many as 7 missed lessons. Missing lessons can make tomorrow’s learning more difficult.
- School is an enriching environment that supports your child’s physical, social and mental wellbeing.
- School isn’t just about learning. It’s a warm, supportive environment where your child can see their friends and learn skills that equip them for life.
- This year the laws around attendance have changed which included a new framework for Penalty Notices. Find out more here.
- Knowing if your child is too ill to attend can be difficult. But you can refer to these guidelines for help.
We are here to support if you need help with attendance. Please get in touch with our Family Link Worker, Claire Woodman-Smith c.woodman-smith@bristol-schools.uk.