Stoke Bishop
Calendar Office Celebration Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Lunches Year 2 Year 1 Year 3 Reception Stoke Bishop

Children in Care

Children in Care and Previously Looked after Children

Stoke Bishop Primary School is an inclusive school that welcomes and values every child.  All children are fully included in all aspects of school life and staff are responsible for the successful teaching, learning and wellbeing of all children in our school community. 

We emphasise the importance of quality first teaching for all pupils but recognise that for some pupils this may require additional support that takes into account their varied life experiences and needs. This could be children who experience trauma and subsequent barriers to their learning, or may relate to factors in their environment, including the home and/or learning environment in school.

We understand that many children, at some time in their schooling will experience barriers to learning, and will benefit from additional support, this may be specific and short-term, and for others their needs may be life-long and require more intensive support.

Children in Care (CiC) or those who are Previously Looked After (PLAC) are protected by statutory guidance that aims to give specific support because they are highly likely to have had one of more adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), disrupted learning, may have missed extended periods of school, may have moved between a range of foster placements and many of them have Special Educational Needs (SEN).  The gaps in their learning and, in many cases the emotional impact of their experiences, are likely to have become significant barriers to their progress.  To support CiC and PLAC schools must have a Designated Teacher (DT) who has responsibility for promoting their educational achievement and emotional well-being. At Stoke Bishop Primary CofE Primary School this is Heather Whittard-Jones (Inclusion Lead).

You can contact Mrs Whittard-Jones on

The HOPE  Virtual School

The HOPE (Helping All Pupils Excel) Virtual School acts as a Local Authority champion to promote the progress and educational attainment of children and young people who are or have been in care so that they achieve educational outcomes comparable to their peers. 

The school does not exist in real terms, or as a building.  Children do not attend it – they remain the responsibility of the school at which they are enrolled.  The HOPE school has a Head Teacher and a wider leadership team with the remit of effective coordination of educational services at a strategic and operational level which mainstream schools can access for support and guidance. An Advocate from the Hope team will attend all Personal Education Plans (PEP) meetings for Children in Care (CiC).

Further information can be found

Additional funding

Additional financial support for Children in Care (CiC) and Previously Looked after Children (PLAC) is available and goes directly to schools. This money can be used to support children in a variety of ways, for example, increased adult support in class, increased individual and small group interventions or the input of an external professional. When planning the best use of this funding the selection of any targeted or specialist provision will be assessed against the current needs of the child and resources available. The use of this funding by the school is shared and discussed at the Personal Education Plan (PEP) meetings that take place between the School, the Hope and the Carers.

Adoption Support Fund

The Adoption Support Fund is a national Fund to increase access to therapeutic support for children adopted from local authority care. The Fund is available for children and young people up to and including the age of 21 (or 25 with a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health & Care Plan) who have been adopted from local authority care in England or adopted from Wales but living in England.  The Fund also includes support for guardians caring for:  children who were previously looked after and children adopted from other countries via inter-country adoptions. 

Further advice and application process can be found at: