Stoke Bishop
Calendar Office Celebration Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Lunches Year 2 Year 1 Year 3 Reception Stoke Bishop


The ‘Parent Teacher Association’ includes all parents and guardians of children at Stoke Bishop Primary School. There’s also a smaller group or individuals referred to as the ‘PTA Committee’ that take on job of organising events throughout the school year. Our goal is to generate a sense of community whilst raising funds for the school to enhance the experience for the children.

Our Approach

  • Raise funds to support the school:
    • Contributions to large projects
    • Contributions to school initiatives
    • Funding and support for school events
  • Run family orientated events to enrich the school year
  • Ensure all child focused events are accessible to all children
  • Build up cash reserves in order to support school led initiatives

Useful links

  • For all the latest updates regarding upcoming events please visit our facebook page. There are also WhatsApp groups for each year group where information will be shared.
  • For all ticketing and volunteering opportunities, please go to our PTA events page here
  • If you have any other enquiries, please contact us by email at