Stoke Bishop
Calendar Office Celebration Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Lunches Year 2 Year 1 Year 3 Reception Stoke Bishop

Online Payment System

School Gateway

The school is a cashless school and we use the School Gateway App for online payments for school meals, trips and other activities.

For new users of School Gateway

If you do not already have a School Gateway account, then first of all you will need to download the School Gateway app for free to your mobile phone.

Apple iPhone users, can download the app here:

Android phone users, can download the app here:

Once you have downloaded the app, you will need the email address and the mobile phone number that the school holds for you.  In the app, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “sign up” for a new account.  You will be asked to enter your email address and mobile phone number.  You will then be sent an activation PIN via text message to your mobile phone.   Go back to the home page of the app and then enter your email address and the PIN number to login.  Your set up is now complete.   Please note it is important to keep a note of this PIN number for future reference as you may need it to log in again  (eg if you log in on a different device or need to reset your account). 

If you need further help on how to register, then please click on this link  How to activate your account – Parent Support (

If you do not have a smart phone, you can also login to the online version of School Gateway via the link here School Gateway Login.

For existing users of School Gateway

If you already have the School Gateway app for another child at another school then you do not need to register for a new account.  As long as your email address and mobile phone number is the same at both schools they you will be able to see both schools on your account.  If you wish to change the email address and the mobile number we hold for you so that it matches your other school/s, then please contact the school office.

General information

Your login details will be automatically generated using the email address and mobile phone number that Stoke Bishop Church of England Primary School already has for you, so please make sure the details we hold for you are up to date. You can check and change these details by sending an email to or calling the school office on 0117 3772173.

If you have any questions or would like some more information, please see the School Gateway site here:

If you have any questions at all, then please contact the school office, who will be able to help.