Year 5 Current Learning

Term 1-2

This term, our enquiry question is…

Do we really need to leave this planet?

We will attempt the following questions, along with others, as part of our learning this term:

What is in our solar system?

What are the different planets like?

Why do we have day and night?

Why do we have seasons?

Why does the moon appear to change shape?

In English, we will be reading The Jamie Drake Equation by Christopher Edge.

We will be reading and responding to the story, using our VIPERS skills to explore and discuss the plot, the characters and the themes.

We will also be practising using direct speech and expanded noun phrases in our writing. Click the links below to have a practice!

Direct Speech

Expanded Noun Phrases

In maths this term, we are learning about Place Value and Roman Numerals. We will learn to:

– Read, write, order and compare numbers to 1,000,000

– Identify the value of each digit in a number

– Use Roman Numerals up to 1,000

– Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000 and 100,000

– Using mental and written methods to add and subtract with numbers with 6 digits

Good times table skills will be essential to success in maths this year!

Please see our curriculum map for more details on what we will be learning about this year.