The following phonics guidance will help you to work with your child at home with their phonics development.
Games to play at home to enhance children’s early phonics skills
Phonics Play
Parents information on Oral Blending and Segmenting
I spy with my little eye…(Remember to use the sound the letter makes not the letter name
Oral blending – I was walking down the street when I saw a……c-a-t….t-r-ee…d-o-g…Can your child identify what you are saying.
Treasure hunt around the house. How many things can you find beginning with s, a, t, p, i, n.
Pencil Grip Stages
The following document is an excellent resource to help support all children’s functional skill development. It has some great ideas and explains the importance of core strength and how to develop key skills such as scissor cutting, pencil grip and self help dressing skills.
Ideas for developing fine motor skills
How to support your child with writing at home
Here are the rhymes we use to help children remember which direction to form each letter. The children will benefit from saying the sound as they write it. The starting point for each letter is also important. We always remind the children to not take their pen off the paper unless they are doing a dot for j and i or crossing for an f or t or an x.